Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Apple Picking

We went apple picking last week. It was hotter than ideal for picking apples, but we had a fun time with our friends, the McKees, enjoyed some yummy cider donuts, and came home with LOTS of apples! I'm excited about all the things we can make! So far we've made apple sauce and an apple french toast casserole, but we've got plenty more apples to make things with! I accidentally put these pictures on in backwards order, so you will see our adventure in reverse, but I'm too lazy to fix it. And I don't know why this is underlined. Sorry about that!

I don't know if you can tell in this picture, but look closely at how Joseph is hauling our apples out of the orchard. He is pushing our girls in the double stroller and has the wagon of apples tied to the stroller to pull it. He really didn't want me overexerting myself going up that hill!

The girls were able to pick some apples, but they liked eating them much more!

Andrea and Maggie

Lucy and Emma

Look at those tiny bite marks! So cute!

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