Everett Joseph Osborn was born Monday October 11 at 10:53 am. He weighed 7 lb 15 oz and was 21 in long. We are all doing great and were able to come home from the hospital today! Here's a couple of pics. I promise I'll post more soon!
Last night I was peeling and coring a 1/2 bushel of apples to make apple sauce, apple jelly, and other fun apple-y things. When I was finished I thought the bowl of apple peels looked so pretty that I took a picture:
I am planning on trying to make apple jelly from this pile of apple peels since my friend Molly enlightened me that you could do that. We'll see how it goes!
Well, today is my due date and no baby yet. The girls and I have been having some fun though! I guess we are enjoying our last little bit of time when we can get out and go easily! Yesterday we went to the zoo with some friends, and today was fire safety day at library story time. We love fire safety day because they bring the firetruck and let the kids climb on it! We met several friends and their kids there and then went to lunch at Firehouse Subs...yum! We tried to get a picture of all the kiddos on the firetruck, but weren't super successful. Here's the best we got:
Since I skipped a month of blogging I have lots of pictures that didn't make it on to the blog, so here are some of the pictures that never got their own post:
We spent a lot of time at our friends' pool swimming with friends. Lucy learned to use swimmies this summer. She picked up on it way faster than Belle did! The girls played in rice a couple of times. We went to the lake one day to celebrate our friends, Ashley and Matt, turning 30. Belle and Maggie had fun with their Daddies on the tube. And they had fun glamming it up on the dock. We spent a lot of time in our little pool in the yard. Belle loved filling the pool up all by herself. Belle helping out with the yard work. The girls and I have been making bread...they really get into it!
Belle started her first dance class! We picnicked downtown one nice day.
We planted some grass seed in our backyard and Belle loved helping Daddy spread the seed and the hay. Lucy enjoyed her popsicle with Nanny while the others worked. And Belle enjoyed hers when she was finished helping!
We had such a fun summer...I hate to see it end! But I guess its officially over since I switched the girls clothes in their closet yesterday to fall clothes! :)
I have been busy sewing, trying to get Everett's room ready for him! I decided a while back to make his bedding, but then was held up because I left a spot for an initial and he didn't have a name! I couldn't very well embroider an initial without knowing his name! So it sat unfinished for quite a while. Once he finally had a name I had to get on it and get it done! I knew if I left it undone I would never finish it after he got here! Time for projects is basically unheard of with a newborn. So I finished the bedding and made letters for the wall and then moved on to a couple of other projects that I knew I wouldn't finish after Everett's arrival! I figure I should enjoy this time while I'm well rested to get things done!
His room could definitely still use some more decorations, but here's what it is like for now: And here are our new curtains and pillows for the den: