Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Potty Training

We decided to bite the bullet and potty train BOTH girls! We started Belle about a week before we really started with Lucy (during that week Lucy was wearing pull ups and sitting on the potty a lot, but we weren't really pursuing it very hard), but we have been going at it with both of them for a week now! They are both sporting big girl panties everyday and have been doing a great job!

Lucy has surprised me with how well she has done. I probably shouldn't be surprised since she wants to do everything her sister does, but I couldn't believe how quickly she caught on at such a young age! (20 months) We decided to do naked training with her after hearing a success story from a friend who tried it. We let her run around completely naked (at home) for a day and a half before putting panties on her. The first half day (we started after naps) she had SO many accidents! I kept seeing her start to peepee and then I would grab her and run to the potty, where she would finish. But by the next day she only had 1 accident! It was amazing. I think the treats helped too...she LOVES getting a gummy worm or a marshmallow when she goes potty! I am now a HUGE fan of naked potty training! We never tried that early on with Belle, and now I regret it! Maybe if we had she wouldn't be 3 years old and just now learning to use the potty! Oh well! She and Lucy are so different too, it might not have worked the same on Belle.

Belle has done great too. We committed to panties and haven't looked back. She has had a few accidents, but really her big thing was holding it and waiting to go in her diaper when she was sleeping! But we are over that hurdle too and now she is napping in panties and actually going in the potty!

Saturday was our first day with NO accidents at all and it was also our first day running around town all day in panties. Lucy had to go to the potty downtown and at Toys R Us. That was a HUGE success in my book!

I can't believe they are both out of diapers! We still have some accidents here and there, but I feel like we are through the hard part. I was hopeful that they would both be out of diapers before this baby boy arrives, but didn't really believe it would happen! I am so proud of my girls!

I haven't taken any pics of them showing off their panties, but here they are playing on the porch on Lucy's first day wearing panties (we stayed home all day that day!):

1 comment:

  1. That is awesome!!! Way to go, Belle and Lucy! And, way to go super mommy and daddy! I am so impressed. Tell Belle and Lucy that Maggie loved looking at their big girl panties. She thinks that they are pretty like hers. =)
